Luiz Velho
Ilana Paterman
Marcelo Cicconet
Priscila Freire
Alexandra Alves
André Maximo
Erick Passos
Felipe Moura
Fernando Ribeiro
Joana Passi
Luisa Fosco
Maria Paula Saba
Nina Paim
Patrik Matos
Ricardo Castañeda Marin
Rodolfo Lima



Nina Paim has recently completed the 3rd grade at Esdi,
the 5-year-Design school of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj).
Before, she had already studied Philosophy at UFRJ and Economic
Sciences at Puc-Rio.

In 2008, she created and organized the conference Design Através do Espelho,
at Esdi, which had an average public of 500 people. In this same year,
she worked as an intern at the design office Cubículo; one of the hightlighs
of her work was the design assistance in the play Hamlet, of Aderbal Freire-Filho.

In 2007, she developed the visual identity and produced Esdi culture festival,
called Projeto Pavão. She also worked as an assistant in the exhibition
Japanese Design 100, in 2006, supervised by Prof. Silvia Steinberg.