Luiz Velho
Ilana Paterman
Marcelo Cicconet
Priscila Freire
Alexandra Alves
André Maximo
Erick Passos
Felipe Moura
Fernando Ribeiro
Joana Passi
Luisa Fosco
Maria Paula Saba
Nina Paim
Patrik Matos
Ricardo Castañeda Marin
Rodolfo Lima



Alexandra Alves is a PhD student at Universidade de São Paulo.
She received a BA and BS in mathematics at Universidade Federal Rural
do Rio de Janeiro in 2001, a MS in Electrical Engineering from the
Universidade de São Paulo in 2005.

Her experience in science computer span the fields of usability,
interfaces for users and educational tecnologies. From 2001 to 2007 she
was a project manager in educational technologies research.

From 2003 to 2007 she worked in management team of FEBRACE -
Brazilian Fair of Science and Engineering. From 2001 to 2004 she worked
with MIT Media Lab in public schools at São Paulo, where she researched
about educational technologies.

During 2007 she was a researcher of the project UCA - A Computer for
Student (OLPC, Mobilis and Classmate).

She is currently involved in research on natural interfaces and 3D animation.