Luiz Velho
Ilana Paterman
Marcelo Cicconet
Priscila Freire
Alexandra Alves
André Maximo
Erick Passos
Felipe Moura
Fernando Ribeiro
Joana Passi
Luisa Fosco
Maria Paula Saba
Nina Paim
Patrik Matos
Ricardo Castañeda Marin
Rodolfo Lima



Born in 1984, Fernando Ribeiro has spent most of his childhood playing video games
and computer games. When he was 13, he started to take canvas painting classes,
and during the following three years he developed an oil painting work.

When he was 17 he began taking drawing lessons, besides other painting techniques
- time when he had a first contact with design students. At the same period, he started
to study 3D-modeling programs.

In 2004, as he was 20, Fernando graduated in Industrial Design at Puc-Rio, having spent
most of the course as an intern at Núcleo de Arte e Design em Animação (NADA),
where he developed his skills in 3D animation.

At the end of 2008, he concluded a post-graduation degree in Animation at Puc-Rio,
developing a game as his final project, in which he was responsible for both visual
and programming parts.

Currently, Fernando seeks for developing game design skills and 3D-character modeling.