Luiz Velho
Ilana Paterman
Marcelo Cicconet
Priscila Freire
Alexandra Alves
André Maximo
Erick Passos
Felipe Moura
Fernando Ribeiro
Joana Passi
Luisa Fosco
Maria Paula Saba
Nina Paim
Patrik Matos
Ricardo Castañeda Marin
Rodolfo Lima



André Maximo is a Ph.D. student in Computer and System Engineering
at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He received a B.Sc.
in Computer Science in 2004 and a M.Sc. in Computer and System
Engineering in 2006 from the same University. During 2001 - 2007, he
worked for Embratel (Brazilian Telecommunication Company), Brazilian
Navy, Petrobras (Brazilian Oil Company) and Furnas (Brazilian Electric
Company), mainly as a software developer.

For his Undergraduate Project in 2004, he developed an artificial intelligent
system combining Java and Prolog. For his M.Sc. Dissertation in 2006, he
proposes a method to improve quality and performance of volume
visualization using graphics processor units (GPUs). Other works in
GPU include a memory efficient ray casting algorithm using CUDA
technology and a point-based level-of-detail algorithm using object
texture in the geometry shader.

Maximo is currently exploring multi-dimensional data visualization, possibly
time-varying, and high-performance parallel computing using Cell Processors.
He received a Best M.Sc. Dissertation award at SIBGRAPI 2007.