Main algorithm
Image Abstraction
Image Moments
The Program

The ColorDifferenceImage tells which regions in a image are closest to a given color. When a pixel in the Input image has a color close to C, the resulting pixel is light. Otherwise, it is dark.

ColorDifferenceImage(Input, C) begin
  Output = NewImage(Width(Input), Height(Input), White)
  for (x,y) in Input do
    Set(Output, x, y, Distance(Color(Input, x, y), C))
  return Output

Once a color and a region are chosen, this image is calculated and is used to help determine the distribution of the given color that better approximates the region.

A test image and examples of its ColorDifferenceImage for several different colors.



The StrokePositionsImage algorithm takes the StrokeAreaImage and generates a distribution of points where the strokes will be placed. The desired characteristics in the distribution are the following:

  • The concentration of strokes should be inversely proportional to the size of the strokes;
  • It should not be possible to recognize any patterns in the distribution;
  • It should be possible to control the concentration of points on the borders of the image;
  • It should be possible to control the size of the largest region without a stroke.

The original implementation chose a Space-Filling curve dithering technique as a solution. We, however, developed a variation of the Floyd Steinberg Dithering algorithm, that spreads the error randomly in all directions. Furthermore, the error accumulated on each pixel follows the rule:

Therefore, the parameter p performs a gamma-correction on the image, controlling the concentration of strokes near the borders of the image. The parameter s is the largest length of pixels that can receive no stroke. The implementation is very simple and the results satisfactory:

s = 20
p = 3
s = 30
p = 2
s = 30
p = 3
s = 30
p = 4
s = 100
p = 5

Original Image, StrokeAreaImage and StrokePositionsImage for several values of p and s.