Design - The Tempest AR

The Tempest AR
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The specific purpose of this work was the research and the development for the use of augmented reality goggles creating new ways to watch scenes for the experience with the play "Tempest ". Therefore, it was possible to develop a new experience exploring the technology’s capability.
A new experience was created using the resources of augmented reality technology in such a way never seen before for actors, director, and spectators.    
With this project, the IMPA becomes one of the pioneers in creating narratives that involve augmented reality, cinema, and theater. This area has recently expanded, however there is still much more things to be explored and the goal is to work to find the best ways to use this technology.
Content producers are looking for new forms of entertainment and interaction. The development of technology provides support to these producers, who can explore additional resources for the creation of narratives. The augmented reality arises in this scenario as a major breakthrough in storytelling, opening up great possibilities, being able to bring actors and spectators to extraordinary worlds.
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