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Unsquare Dance is an experience in Interactive Digital Art and Contemporary Dance. It was realized in December of 2007 at IMPA - Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Luiz Velho, Analivia Cordeiro, Alice Bodanzky, Julio Lucio Martins and Ilana Paterman.

This experience included a series of dance performances based on a choreography of Analivia Cordeiro and real-time interaction with the system "X-Motion" developed at the VISGRAF Laboratory / IMPA. The title of the work comes from the music "Unsquare Dance" by Dave Brubeck. The piece consists of a live performance by Analivia Cordeiro in a dynamic stage composed of projected computer graphics elements. The X-Motion system captures the trajectories of points in the dance performer's body and generates motion paths which produce dynamic graphics by procedural visual rules. The whole experience was recorded in a series of videos with different graphic interpretations.

The Unsquare Dance experiment is part of the project "Expressive Trajectories" created by Luiz Velho at IMPA. The software X-Motion was designed and developed by Luiz Velho and Julio Lucio Martins. The user interface and graphics components of the project exploit design concepts developed by Alice Bodanzky in her undergraduate final project, “Choreographisms” at ESDI/UERJ, co-supervised by Silvia Steinberg and Luiz Velho. The project also counts with the general technical support of Ilana Paterman.