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Bibliografia - Tese


  AUTHOR = {K. Kubota and M. Kubo and Y. Kawata 
	and N. NIKI and K. Eguchi and
           H. Ohmatsu and R. Kakinuma and 
	M. Kaneko and N. Moriyama},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {The Results in the Clinical Trial of 
	{CAD} System for Lung Cancer
          Using Helical {CT} Images},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image Processing},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 1,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {313-316},

  AUTHOR = {David F. Yankelevitz and Claudia I. Henschke},
  MONTH = {may},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Small Solitary Pulmonary Nodules},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinics of North America},
  VOLUME = 38,
  NUMBER = 3,
  PAGES = {1-7}

  AUTHOR = {M. Hasegawa and S. Sone and S. Takashima 
	and F. Li and Z-G Yang
           and Y. Maruyama and T. Watanabe},
  MONTH = {december},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Growth Rate of Small Lung Cancers Detected 
	on Mass {CT} Screening},
  JOURNAL = {The British Journal of Radiology},
  VOLUME = 73,
  PAGES = {1252-1259}

  AUTHOR = {Floro Miraldi and Ernest J. Wiesen},
  EDITOR = {John R. Haaga and Ralph J. Alfidi},
  YEAR = 1988,
  TITLE = {Computed Tomography of the Whole Body},
  EDITION = 2,
  VOLUME = 1,
  CHAPTER = {Imaging Principles in Computed Tomography},
  PAGES = {1-24},
  PUBLISHER = {The C. V. Mosby Company},
  ADDRESS = {Washington}

  AUTHOR = {David F. Yankelevitz and Rajiv Gupta and 
	Binsheng Zhao and Claudia
           I. Henschke},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Small Pulmonary Nodules : Evaluation with Repeat 
	{CT} - Preliminary
  JOURNAL = {Radiology},
  VOLUME = 212,
  PAGES = {561-566}

  AUTHOR = {Philip L. Worthington and Edwin R. Hancock},
  MONTH = {may},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Histogram-Based Object Recognition Using 
  BOOKTITLE = {{IEEE} Conference on Computer Vision 
	and Pattern Recognition},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis 
	and Machine Intelligence},
  VOLUME = {1},
  NUMBER = 5,
  PAGES = {643-648}

  AUTHOR = {Russell E. Muzzolini},
  YEAR = 1996,
  TITLE = {A Volumetric Approach to Segmenation and 
	Texture Characterisation
          of Ultrasound Images},
  SCHOOL = {College and Graduate Studies and Research}

  AUTHOR = {Y. Kawata and N. NIKI and H. Ohmatsu and 
	M. Kusumoto and R.
           Kakinuma and K. Mori and H. Nishiyama and 
	K. Eguchi and M. Kaneko
           and N. Moriyama},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Internal Structure Analysis of Pulmonary 
	Nodules in Topological and
          Histogram Feature Spaces},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image Processing},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 1,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {168-171},

  AUTHOR = {Y. Kawata and N. Niki and H. Ohmatsu and 
	M. Kusumoto and R.
           Kakinuma and K. Mori and H. Nishiyama and 
	K. Eguchi and M. Kaneko
           and N. Moriyama},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Computer Aided Differential Diagnosis of 
	Pulmonary Nodules Using
          Curvature Based Analysis},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image 
	Analysis and Processing},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 2,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {470-475},

  AUTHOR = {Chitra Dorai and Anil K. Jain},
  MONTH = {october},
  YEAR = 1997,
  TITLE = {{COMOS} - A Representation Scheme 
	for 3D Free-Form Objects},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern 
	Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  VOLUME = 19,
  NUMBER = 10,
  PAGES = {1115-1130}

  AUTHOR = {K. Kanazawa and N. Niki and 
	H. atoh and H. Ohmatsu and N.
  YEAR = 1994,
  TITLE = {Computer Assisted Diagnosis of 
	Lung Cancer Using Helical X-Ray {CT}},
  BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {IEEE} 
	Workshop on Biomedical Image Analysis},
  PAGES = {261-267}

  AUTHOR = {Y. Kawata and N. Niki and H. Ohmatsu 
	and M. Kusumoto and R.
           Kakinuma and K. Mori and H. Nishiyama 
	and K. Eguchi and M. Kaneko
           and N. Moriyama},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Computerized Analysis of 3-D Pulmonary 
	Nodule Images in Surrounding
          and Internal Structure Feature Spaces},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image Processing},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 2,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {889-892},

  AUTHOR = {T. Tozaki and Y. Kawata and N. Niki and 
	H. Ohmatsu and R. Kakinuma
           and K. Eguchi and M. Kaneko and N. Moriyana},
  MONTH = {december},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Pulmonary Organs Analysis for Differential 
	Diagnosis Based on
          Thoracic Thin-Section {CT} Images},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 45,
  NUMBER = 6,
  PAGES = {3075-3082}

  AUTHOR = {Y. Kawata and N. Niki and H. Ohmatsu and 
	R. Kakinuma and K. Eguchi
           and M. Kaneko and N. Moriyama},
  MONTH = {august},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Quantitative Surface Characterization of 
	Pulmonary Nodules Based on
          Thin-Section {CT} Images},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image Processing},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 45,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {2132-2138},

  AUTHOR = {Michael F. McNitt-Gray and Eric M. Hart 
	and Nathaniel Wyckoff and
           James W. Sayre and Jonathan G. Goldin 
	and Denise R. Aberle},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {The Effects of Co-Occurrence Matrix Based 
	Texture Parameters on the
          Classification of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules 
	Imaged on Computed
  JOURNAL = {Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics},
  VOLUME = 23,
  PAGES = {339-348}

  AUTHOR = {N. Niki and H. Ohmatsu and R. Kakinuma and 
	K. Eguchi and M. Kaneko
           and N. Moriyama},
  MONTH = {august},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Quantitative Surface Characterization of 
	Pulmonary Nodules Based on
          Thin-Section {CT} Images},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science},
  VOLUME = 45,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {2132-2138}

  AUTHOR = {Philip L. Worthington and Edwin R. Hancock},
  MONTH = {may},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Object Recognition Using Shape-from-Shading},
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis 
	and Machine Intelligence},
  VOLUME = 23,
  NUMBER = 5,
  PAGES = {535-542}

  AUTHOR = {Gunter Hetzel and Bastian Leibe and 
	Paul Levi and Bernt Schiele},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {3D Object Recognition from Range Images 
	Using Local Feature
  JOURNAL = {IEEE on Computer Society Conference},
  VOLUME = 2,
  PAGES = {394-399}

  AUTHOR = {Jean-Philipe Thirion and Alexis Gourdon},
  MONTH = {march},
  YEAR = 1995,
  TITLE = {Computing the Differential Characteristics 
	of Isointensity Surfaces},
  JOURNAL = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
  VOLUME = 61,
  NUMBER = 2,
  PAGES = {190-202}

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  AUTHOR = {Hotaka Takizawa et al},
  TITLE = {Recognition of Lung Nodules from X-Ray 
	{CT} Images Considering 3-D
          Structure of Objects and Uncertainty of Recognition},
  URL = {http://www.parl.tutkie.tut.ac.jp/people/takizawa/}

  AUTHOR = {Ana Elisa F. Schmidt and Marcelo Gattass 
	and Paulo Cezar P. Carvalho},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Combined 3D Visualization of Voume Data 
	and Polygonal Models Using
          a Shear-Warp Algorithm},
  JOURNAL = {Computers Graphics},
  VOLUME = 24,
  PAGES = {583-601}

  AUTHOR = {National Electrical Manufacturers Association},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine},
  ORGANIZATION = {National Electrical Manufactures Association},
  URL = {http://www.nema.org/nema/medical/dicom/}

  AUTHOR = {Ricardo Beyruti},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Diagn\'ostico Precoce Do C\^ancer de Pulm\~ao},
  JOURNAL = {Revista Joy},
  VOLUME = 5,
  NUMBER = 57,
  PUBLISHER = {Revista Joy}

  AUTHOR = {Brad H. Thompson and J. Willian Lee and et all},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Lung Anatomy},
  NOTE = {Virtual Hospital},
  URL = {http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/LungAnatomy}

  AUTHOR = {J e Jr. Cabral},
  YEAR = 1993,
  TITLE = {{ARIES} : Software for Interactive 
	Segmentation of Medical Images
          Featuring 3D Region Growing},
  SCHOOL = {University of Washington}

  AUTHOR = {Jean-Philippe Thirion and Guillaume Calmon},
  YEAR = {-},
  TITLE = {Measuring Lesion Growth from 3D Medical Images},
  URL = {http://www.inria.fr/Equipes/EPIDAURE-eng.html}

  AUTHOR = {Chandrasekhar Pisuti and Lawrence Wolff 
	and Elias Zerohouni and Wayne
  TITLE = {Segmentation of 3D Pulmonary Trees Using 
	Mathematical Morphology}

  AUTHOR = {Y. Kawata and N. Niki and and H. Ohmatsu 
	and R. Kakinuma and K.
           Eguchi and M. Kaneko and N. Moriyama},
  YEAR = 1997,
  TITLE = {Classification of Pulmonary Nodules in 
	Thin-Section {CT} Images
          Based on Shape Characterization},
  BOOKTITLE = {International Conference on Image Processing},
  VOLUME = 3,
  PAGES = {528-530},

  AUTHOR = {N. Niki and K. Kanazawa and H. Satoh and 
	H. Ohmatsu and N.
  YEAR = 1995,
  TITLE = {Computer Assisted Diagnosis of Lung Cancer 
	Using Helical X-Ray {CT}},
  BOOKTITLE = {Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical 
	Imaging Conference},
  VOLUME = 3,
  PAGES = {1475-1479},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Conference Record}

  AUTHOR = {David A. Clunie},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {{DICOM} Structered Reporting},
  PUBLISHER = {PixelMed Publishing},
  ADDRESS = {Pennsylvania}

  AUTHOR = {Elisangela Furlan},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Destaque Asco 2000},
  URL = {http://www.webup.com.br/noticiasegura/cmedico

  AUTHOR = {Marjolein van der Glas},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Principles of Computarerized Tomographic 
  PAGES = {1-14}

  AUTHOR = {Karl H. Hohne and Willian A. Hanson},
  MONTH = {Maio},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TITLE = {Interactive 3d Segmentation of {MRI} and 
	{CT} Volumes Using
          Morphogical Operations},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography},
  VOLUME = 16,
  NUMBER = 2,
  PAGES = {285-294}

  AUTHOR = {Antony P. Reeves and Willian J. Kostis},
  MONTH = {Maio},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Lung Cancer},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinics of North America},
  VOLUME = 38,
  NUMBER = 3,
  PAGES = {497-509}

  AUTHOR = {Olli S. Miettinen},
  MONTH = {Maio},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Screening for Lung Cancer},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinic North America},
  VOLUME = 38,
  NUMBER = 3,
  PAGES = {479-485}

  AUTHOR = {Wen-Yau Liang and Peter O'Grady},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {A Formalism for the Creation of Virual 
	Reality Worlds From
          Radiology Imaging Data},
  NUMBER = {TR98-06},
  INSTITUTION = {University of Iowa}

  AUTHOR = {Stefan Krass and Dominik Bohm and Dirk Selle},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Determination of Bronchopulmanary Segments 
	Based on Chest {CT}},
  URL = {http://www.mevis.de/MeVis/projects/thorax

  AUTHOR = {Tetsuka Tosaki and Yoshiki Kawata and Noboru Niki},
  YEAR = 1995,
  TITLE = {3D Image Analysis of Lung Area Using Thin Slice 
	{CT} Images},
  BOOKTITLE = {Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical 
	Imaging Conference Record},
  VOLUME = 3,
  PAGES = {1592 -1596},

  AUTHOR = {Thomas Schiemann and Michael Bomans and Ulf 
	Tiede and Karl Heinz Hohme},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TITLE = {Interactive 3D-Segmentation},
  BOOKTITLE = {Visualization in Biomedical Computing {II}},
  JOURNAL = {Visualization in Biomedical Computing II},
  VOLUME = 1808,
  PUBLISHER = {Robb R.A.}

  AUTHOR = {Slobodan Ilic and Brasislav Ulicnv},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Seeded Region Growing Method for Image Segmentation},
  URL = {http://ligwww.epfl.ch/~silic/predocschool

  AUTHOR = {Radiology Update},
  TITLE = {High Resolution {CT} of the Lung},
  URL = {http://www.qldxray.com.au/gpspecailistinfo

  AUTHOR = {Yecheng Ted Wu},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Image Segmentation : The First Step in 3-D Imaging},
  ORGANIZATION = {able software}

  AUTHOR = {Claudia I.Henschke and David F. Yankelevitz},
  MONTH = {Maio},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {CT Screening for Lung Cancer},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinics of North America},
  VOLUME = 38,
  NUMBER = 3,
  PAGES = {487-495}

  AUTHOR = {R.M. Haralick and K. Shanmugam and I. Dinstein},
  MONTH = {November},
  YEAR = 1973,
  TITLE = {Textural Features for Image Classification},
  VOLUME = 3,
  NUMBER = 6,
  PAGES = {610-621}

  AUTHOR = {Jan J. Koenderink},
  YEAR = 1990,
  TITLE = {Solid Shape},
  PUBLISHER = {MIT Press},
  ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA, USA}

  AUTHOR = {David W. Henderson},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Differental Geometry: A Geometric Introduction},
  PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall},
  ADDRESS = {Upper Saddle River, New Jersey}

  AUTHOR = {Paulo Ventura Araujo},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Geometria Diferencial},
  PUBLISHER = {Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada},
  ADDRESS = {Rio de Janeiro, RJ}

  AUTHOR = {Bryan S. Morse},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Differential Geometry},
  URL = {http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/CVonline/LOCAL-COPIES

  AUTHOR = {Andy Castellano Smith},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {The Folding of the Human Brain, from Shape 
	to Function},
  SCHOOL = {University of London},
  URL = {http://carmen.umds.ac.uk/a.d.smith/phd.html}

  AUTHOR = {Andrew Wallace and Sarah Price},
  YEAR = 2002,
  TITLE = {Gaussian and Mean Curvature},
  URL = {http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/CVonline/LOCAL-COPIES

  AUTHOR = {Lewis D. Griffin},
  YEAR = 1994,
  TITLE = {The Intrinsic Geometry of the Cerebral Cortex},
  JOURNAL = {Journal of theoretical Biology},
  VOLUME = 166,
  PAGES = {261-273}

  AUTHOR = {Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo and Paulo 
	C{\'e}zar Pinto de Carvalho},
  YEAR = 1991,
  TITLE = {Introdu\c c\~ao a Geometria Computacional},
  PUBLISHER = {Instituto de Matem\'atica Pura e Aplicada},
  ADDRESS = {Rio de Janeiro - RJ}

  AUTHOR = {C. Bradford Barber and David P. Dobkin and 
	Hannu Huhdanpaa},
  YEAR = 1996,
  TITLE = {The Quickhull Algorithm for Convex Hulls},
  JOURNAL = {ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software},
  VOLUME = 22,
  NUMBER = 4,
  PAGES = {469-483},
  URL = {http://www.geom.umn.edu/software/qhull/}

  AUTHOR = {Y. Ohtake and A. Belyaev and A. Pasko},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Dynamic Meshes for Accurate Polygonization 
	of Implicit Surfaces
          with Sharp Features},
  BOOKTITLE = {{SMI} 2001 International Conference 
	on Shape Modeling and
  PAGES = {74-81},

  AUTHOR = {Richard O. Duda and Peter E. Hart},
  YEAR = 1973,
  TITLE = {Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis},
  PUBLISHER = {Wiley-Interscience Publication},
  ADDRESS = {New York}

  AUTHOR = {Bernhard Flury and Hans Riedwyl},
  YEAR = 1988,
  TITLE = {Multivariete Statistics : A Practical Approach},
  PUBLISHER = {Chapman and Hall},
  ADDRESS = {New York}

  AUTHOR = {Jean-Marie Bouroche and Gilbert Saporta},
  YEAR = 1982,
  TITLE = {An\'alise de Dados},
  PUBLISHER = {Zahar Editores S.A.}

  AUTHOR = {D. C. Van Essen and H. A. Drury},
  YEAR = 1997,
  TITLE = {Structural and Functional Analyses of Human 
	Cerebral Cortex Using a
          Surface-Based Atlas},
  JOURNAL = {The Journal of Neuroscience},
  VOLUME = 17,
  NUMBER = 18,
  PAGES = {7079-7102}

  AUTHOR = {Michael F. McNitt-Gray and Eric M. Hart 
	and Nathaniel Wyckoff and
           James W. Sayre and Jonathan G. Goldin 
	and Denise R. Aberle},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {A Pattern Classification Approach to 	
	Characterizing Solitary
          Pulmonary Nodules Imaged on High 
	Resolution {CT}: Preliminary
  JOURNAL = {Medical Physics},
  VOLUME = 26,
  NUMBER = 6,
  PAGES = {880-888}

  AUTHOR = {David F. Yankelevitz and Anthony P. 
	Reeves and Willian J. Kostis
           and Binsheng Zhao and Claudia I. Henschke},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Small Pulmonary Nodules : Volumetrically 
	Determined Growth Rates
          Based on {CT} Evaluation},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinics of North America},
  VOLUME = 217,
  PAGES = {251-256}

  AUTHOR = {Sally L. Wood and H. Jamali},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TITLE = {Segmentation of Gray Scale Sampled Images 
	with Bimodal Source
  BOOKTITLE = {Conference Record of The Twenty-Sixth Asilomar},
  PAGES = {456-460},
  PUBLISHER = {Signals, Systems and Computers}

  AUTHOR = {T. Tozaki and Y. Kawata and N. Niki and 
	H. Ohmatsu and K. Eguchi
           and N. Moriyama},
  EDITOR = {Eric A. Hoffman},
  YEAR = 1996,
  TITLE = {Three-Dimensional Analysis of Lung Areas 
	Using Thin Slice {CT}
  BOOKTITLE = {Physiology and Function from 
	Multidimensional Images},
  PAGES = {2-11},
  PUBLISHER = {SPIE : Medical Imaging},
  ADDRESS = {Newport Beach, CA, USA}

  AUTHOR = {Grupo Tecnologia Gr{\'a}fica - TecGraf},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Canvas Draw {CD}},
  URL = {http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/cd}

  AUTHOR = {Milan Sonka and Gopal Sundaramoorthy 
	and Eric. A. Hoffman},
  EDITOR = {Eric A. Hoffman and Raj S. Acharya},
  YEAR = 1994,
  TITLE = {Knowledge-Based Segmentation of 
	Intrathoracic Airways from
          Multidimensional High Resolution {CT} Images},
  BOOKTITLE = {Medical Imaging 1994: Physiology 
	and Function from
              Multidimensional Images},
  PAGES = {73-85},
  PUBLISHER = {Proc. SPIE 2168}

  AUTHOR = {J. R. Parker},
  YEAR = 1997,
  TITLE = {Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision},
  PUBLISHER = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc},

  AUTHOR = {C. H. Levy and L. H. Figueiredo and 
	M. Gattass and C. J. P. Lucena
           and D. Cowan},
  YEAR = 1996,
  TITLE = {{IUP} : A Portable User Interface Development Tool},
  JOURNAL = {Software : Practice and Experience},
  VOLUME = 267,
  PAGES = {737-762},
  URL = {http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup}

  AUTHOR = {S. Krass and D. Bohm and D. Selle},
  EDITOR = {Computer Assisted Radiology and Sugery},
  YEAR = 2000,
  TITLE = {Determination of Bronchopulmonary Segments 
	Based on {HRCT} Data},
  JOURNAL = {Computer Assisted Radiology and Sugery},
  PAGES = {584-589},
  ADDRESS = {Amsterdan:Elsevier}

  AUTHOR = {Jane P. Ko and Magrit Betke},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Chest {CT} : Automated Nodule Detection 
	and Assessment of Change
          over Time - Preliminary Experience},
  JOURNAL = {Radiologic Clinics of North America},
  VOLUME = 218,
  PAGES = {267-273}

  AUTHOR = {K. Kanazawa and Y. Kawata and N. Niki 
	and H. Satoh and H. Ohmatsu
           and R. Kakinuma and M. Kaneko and 
	N. Moriyma and K. Eguchi},
  YEAR = 1998,
  TITLE = {Computer-aided diagnosis for pulmonary 
	nodules based on helical
          {CT} images},
  JOURNAL = {Computered Medical Imaging and Graphics},
  VOLUME = 22,
  PAGES = {157-167}

  AUTHOR = {DG Jain},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Understanding the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule},
  URL = {http://indegene.com/Pul/FeatArt/indPulFeatArt3.html}

  AUTHOR = {A. K. Jain},
  YEAR = 1989,
  TITLE = {Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing},
  PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall},
  ADDRESS = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA}

  AUTHOR = {Instituto Nacional Do C{\^a}ncer (INCA)},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {C\^ancer de Pulm\~ao},
  URL = {http://www.inca.org.br/cancer/tipos/pulmao.html}

  AUTHOR = {R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TITLE = {Digital Image Processing},
  EDITION = {3rd},
  PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley},
  ADDRESS = {Reading, MA, USA}

  AUTHOR = {Li Fan and Carol L. Novak and Jianzhong 
	Qian and Gerhard Kohl and
           David P. Naidich},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Automatic Detection of Lung Nodules from 
	Multi-Slice Low-Dose {CT}
  BOOKTITLE = {{SPIE} Medical Imaging},
  JOURNAL = {SPIE Medical Imaging},
  ADDRESS = {San Diego, CA}

  AUTHOR = {J. Everhart and M. Cannon},
  YEAR = 1994,
  TITLE = {Image Segmentation Applied to {CT} Examination of
          Lymphagioleiomyomatosis {(LAM)}},
  BOOKTITLE = {{SPIE} Conf. Medical Imaging Newport Beach},

  AUTHOR = {Stephan Gunther Erberich and Koun-Sik 
	Song and Hiroaki Arakawa and
           H. K. Huang and Richard Webb and Kent 
	Soo Hoo and Billy W. Loo},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {Knowledge-Based Lung Nodule Detection 
	from Helical {CT}},
  JOURNAL = {Bildverarbeitung f\"ur die Medizin},
  PAGES = {337-341},
  URL = {http://www.lri.uscf.edu/htmlpage/0403PH.html}

  AUTHOR = {K. R. Castleman},
  YEAR = 1996,
  TITLE = {Digital Image Processing},
  PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall},
  ADDRESS = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA}

  AUTHOR = {American Lung Association},
  TITLE = {Facts About Lung Cancer},
  URL = {http://www.lungusa.org/diseases/lungcanc.html}

  AUTHOR = {Maurence M. Anguh and Arist{\'o}fanes C. Silva},
  YEAR = 1997,
  TITLE = {Multislice Segmentation and Enhancement 
	in Mammograms},
  BOOKTITLE = {X Simp\'osio Brasileiro de 
	Computa\c c\~ao Gr\'afica e
              Processamento de Imagem},
  PAGES = {136-139},
  PUBLISHER = {IEEE Transactions on Computers}

  AUTHOR = {J. B. Antoine Maintz and Max A. Viergever},
  YEAR = 1999,
  TITLE = {An Overview of Medical Image Registration Methods},
  PAGES = {1-20}

  AUTHOR = {Petra A. Van Den Elsen and Evert-Jan 
	D. Pal and Max A. Viergever},
  YEAR = 1993,
  TITLE = {Medical Image Matching - A Review with 
  JOURNAL = {IEEE Engineering in Medice and Biology},
  PAGES = {26-39}

  AUTHOR = {Margrit Betke and Harrison Hong and Jane P. Ko},
  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Automatic 3D Registration of Lung Sufarces 
	in Computed Tomography
  BOOKTITLE = {Fourth International Conference on 
	Medical Image Computing and 
	Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2001},
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  PAGES = {725-733},
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  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {Early Lung Cancer Action Project: A Summary 
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  JOURNAL = {The Oncologist},
  VOLUME = 6,
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  YEAR = 1994,
  TITLE = {Applied Discriminant Analysis},
  PUBLISHER = {Wiley-Interscience}

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  YEAR = 1987,
  TITLE = {Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D 
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  JOURNAL = {Computer Graphics},
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  YEAR = 2001,
  TITLE = {3-D Image Processing Algorithms},
  PUBLISHER = {John Wiley},
  ADDRESS = {New York}

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  YEAR = 2002,
  TITLE = {Sistema de An\'alise de N\'odulo Pulmonar},
  JOURNAL = {II Workshop de Inform\'atica M\'edica 
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  URL = {http://www.visgraf. impa.br/Projects/vismed

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  MONTH = {october},
  YEAR = 1992,
  TITLE = {Surface Shape and Curvature Scales},
  JOURNAL = {Image and Vision Computing},
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