The technological infrastructure used in VR Tour is based on the VR Kino+Theater platform that exploits concepts of Situated Participatory Virtual Reality and Live 3D Digital Cinema.

The platform has a foundation in the following concepts:

  • Meta-Narrative – The content is associated with a story. The exploration of this content uses meta-narrative techniques to present the story.
  • Narrative-Based Content – The the story has a narrative structure, that can be fictional, such as a theatre play, or factual, such as a documentary.
  • Navigation – The story takes place in a space. The environment is explored through navigation in this space.
  • Guided Tour – The exploration is guided by a “host” that directs the participants (“guests”) though their journey.
  • Participatory VR – The guests experience the tour in a shared virtual reality environment. They can interact among themselves and also with the host.