
Virtual recreation of the mummy known as Kherima that was destroyed in the 2018 fire at the National Museum. This experiment, which explores techniques of virtual reality, digital reconstruction and immersive narrative, enables a new approach between the public and the artifact.

3D Reconstruction Process

The digital reconstruction of this mummy from the Romam Period is based on tomography images made in the piece for the purpose of scientific research. Tomography is used in archeology as a noninvasive method of scientific research by various institutions around the world.

Technical Partnership at the National Museum

The process of tomography Egyptian artifacts has been carried out by the NEXT laboratory in partnership with the National Institute of Technology, INT, National Museum, Fiocruz and the Diagnostic Imaging Clinic, CDPI, since 2003.

Recreating Kherima in VR

From these files, it was possible to generate an image with the exact measurements of the mummy and a single texture involving the whole body. A detailed digital restoration / painting process was performed on this image using specialized software and many body detail photographs. This model was later placed in the Unity platform virtual environment.

V-Horus Production

  • Direction: Luiz Velho
  • Production and Design: Andrea Lennhoff
  • Development and Design: Bernardo Alevato
  • Narration: Antonio Brancaglion Jr.
  • Technical Support: Djalma Lucio
  • Tomographic Assets: Gerson Ribeiro