First Call for Papers



X Brazilian Symposium on
Computer Graphics and Image Processing
October 14-18, 1997
Campos do Jordão, SP, Brazil

Image Synthesis
Animation and Simulation
Geometric Modeling
Computational Geometry
Graphical User Interfaces
Scientific Visualization
Virtual Reality
Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Mathematical Morphology
Image Compression
Medical Images
Remote Sensing
Graphical Databases
Specialized Hardware


SIBGRAPI is the main Brazilian conference for scientists, professionals and students in computer graphics, image processing and analysis, and related areas. SIBGRAPI is an annual event sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society.

SIBGRAPI'97 will have TECHNICAL SESSIONS for presenting research and development work, INVITED LECTURES, basic and advanced COURSES, VIDEO SESSION, COMPUTER ART SESSION, and an EXHIBITION of commercial products.

Call for Papers

We invite contributions for the TECHNICAL SESSIONS in the categories below, in computer graphics, image processing and analysis, and related areas, including but not restricted to the subjects listed above. All submissions will be refereed. See separate calls for COURSES, VIDEO and ART.

PAPERS: Full papers describing original, unpublished research that advances the state of the art in algorithms, techniques, or applications in the symposium themes. Submissions will be judged on relevance, originality, and importance of results. It is essential that all papers be explicit about their original contributions. Accepted papers will be presented in traditional oral sessions.

APPLICATIONS: Software with production quality that solve real problems in the symposium themes, for instance, industrial or teaching problems. Commercial software, industrial (in-house) software, and research software are all eligible. All submissions must include a written text describing the problem and the implemented solution, and a demonstration copy of the software that is fully operational. Submissions will be judged on quality and technological potential for the solution of real problems, with emphasis on the integration of research centers with the industry. Accepted applications will be presented in special poster sessions with live demonstrations.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Extended abstract of research and development work in progress in the symposium themes. Research work must be original and ideally contain partial results. Development work must describe partially implemented systems and include an operational prototype. Ideally, such work, if already completed, would be submitted as a PAPER or APPLICATION. Submissions will be judged on their potential to stimulate debate and cooperation between different groups. Accepted works will be presented in poster sessions with live demonstrations.

UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH: Full papers reporting undergraduate research in the symposium themes. These papers must have an undergraduate student as principal author, and preferably include implementations. Submissions will be judged on the difficulty of the problem solved and the quality of the solution. Accepted papers will be presented in poster sessions with live demonstrations. The three best papers will be awarded prizes.

Proceedings and Format

There will be a CD-ROM containing all contributions presented at the symposium, in all categories. This CD-ROM will include text, programs, images, animations, multimedia presentations, etc. In particular, we would like to include all oral and poster presentations that are available electronically (e.g., Powerpoint files). This material will also be available in the Internet, as in SIBGRAPI'96.

The official languages of the symposium are Portuguese, Spanish and English. We expect to publish the research papers that are written in English in a book by the IEEE Computer Society.

All written submissions, in all categories, must use the traditional SIBGRAPI style. Full papers should have at most 8 pages. Extended abstracts should have at most 2 pages.

Program Committee

Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo (LNCC) (chair)
Arnaldo de Albuquerque Araújo (UFMG)
Carla Maria Dal Sasso Freitas (UFRGS)
Díbio Leandro Borges (UFG)
Eduardo Toledo Santos (USP)
José Ricardo Torreão (UFF)
Luciano da Fontoura Costa (USP-SC)
Luciano Vieira Dutra (INPE)
Luiz Fernando Martha (PUC-Rio)
Luiz Velho (IMPA)
Marco Antônio Casanova (IBM)
Neucimar Jerônimo Leite (UNICAMP)
Rafael Dueire Lins (UFPE)
Wu, Shin Ting (UNICAMP)

Organizing Committee (LSI/USP)

Marcio Lobo Netto (chair)
Carlos Augusto Paiva da Silva Martins
Maria Laura Martinez
Mylene Melly
Roseli de Deus Lopes
Ruggero Andrea Ruschioni

Important Dates

May 27, 1997 - All submissions due.
July 14, 1997 - Author notification.
August 1, 1997 - Final versions due.

Submissions and Additional Information

SIBGRAPI'97 (c/o Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo)
LNCC-Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
Rua Lauro Müller 455
22290-160 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
fax: +55 21 295-8499, 295-7944, 542-5344

Last update: Wed Jan 22 17:03:17 GRNLNDDT 1997 by lhf.