Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 353-354

Assessing the Fractal Dimension and the Normalized Multiscale Bending Energy for Applications in Neuromorphometry

Regina C. Coelho (1), Roberto M. Cesar Jr. (1,2) e Luciano da F. Costa (1)

(1) Cybernetic Vision Reserch Group IFSC - University of São Paulo, (2) Institut de Physique Theorique Universite Catholique de Louvain 2,,

This work reports about the assessment of two shape descriptors, namely the fractal dimension and the normalized multiscale bending energy, for applications in biological shape analysis. Both descriptors are briefly reviewed and some preliminary results of their application to the morphometric characterization of neural cells are presented. The methodology for the evaluation of the shape measures, which is currently being carried out, is explained.

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