Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 361-362

Desenvolvimento de um Instrumento para Medida da Topografia da Córnea

Ernany Paranguá da Silva, Luis Alberto V. de Carvalho, Silvio Antonio Tonissi Junior, Luis Eduardo dos Santos e Jarbas C.C. Neto

IFSC- USP - Grupo de Ótica

This papaer describes the development of a computerized system which analyses the contour of the human cornea. Iluminated rings are projected on the reflected image is captured by an aquisition board installed in a micro-computer. This image is processed by means of consistent algorithms generated. By analysing these maps one can easily diagnose classical ammetropies such as astigmatism and keratoconus and also identify normal, close to spherical, corneas.

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