Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 341-342

Visualização Interativa Tridimensional de Modelos de Terreno com Textura

Paula Frederick, Luiz Carlos Guedes, Marcelo Gattass e Paulo Cezar Carvalho


Interactive tridimensional visualization of terrain models can be found in Geographical Infor-mation System and computer games. Both applications share the need for high performance algorithms that are tailored to produce textured images in interactive time, say at least 5 frames per second. Computer games are now developed to a point where this performance can be achieved in low-end home computers. The literature of computer games, however, is filled with "tricks" and pays very little attention to the un-derlying geometric model and image synthesis algorithm. This paper describes an on going research on in-teractive algorithms for landscape viewing. A preliminary evaluation of one popular algorithm is presented here.

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