Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 119-126

Visualização e Acompanhamento Automático de Sistemas de Nuvens

Selan R. Santos, Cati E. A. Valadão e Marcelo Dreux

PUC-Rio, Departamento de Informática e Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica/ICAD

The work presents Scientific Visualization (SV) techniques applied to Meteorology. Some SV aspects are discussed, such as specific visualization techniques and classical models of interaction between simulation and user. It is also presented the problem of cloud tracking and the manner the SV could be helpful to solve it. A prototype system which performs Automatic Tracking of Cloud Systems has been implemented. The system generates a three-dimensional modeling by combining the satellite images with the topography. It is possible to generate an animated tracking of an interactively selected cloud from a set of input images. Meteorological parameters related to the clouds and their tracking are evaluated during the processing.

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