Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 173-180

Segmentação através da Deformação Elástica de Dados Volumétricos: Aplicações na Medicina

Thomas de Araújo Buck

Universidade Federal da Bahia, Instituto de Matemática, Departamento de Ciencia da Computação

Medical imaging is quickly becoming daily routine in hospitals and clinics, especially due to the rapid development of the techniques in computer graphics. This equipment generates volume datasets of patients under investigation, which need to be processed in order to be presented to physicians. As the quantity of data in such volumes is high, algorithms are needed in order to extract meaningful medical information, so that physicians can interpret them. Patient structures to be segmented are outlined by local elastic deformation of corresponding objects from the anatomy model. This is performed in voxel space using a cost minimization procedure. The anatomic knowledge acquired in this manner is stored in a patient specific volume dataset and guides a raycaster with respect to the localization of object surfaces in order to control the result of the deformation process.

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