Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 181-188

Obtenção da Transformação de Corpo Rígido em Registro de Imagens com Deformação usando Thin Plate Splines

José Eduardo C. Castanho e Clésio Tozzi


Thin plate splines present features that make them suitable for image registration of deformed images. They are functions that can be interpreted as a linear combination of a plane (modelling a general linear transformation) with a smooth surface (modelling an affine-free deformation). In this way, registration with thin plate splines can be interpreted as a problem of surface fitting through a scattered set of points. In some applications,as in image registration of serial sections, it is often necessary to find a rigid body transformation that matches features in two images under natural deformations. We present a method for image registration using thin plate splines such that the linear term of the function is assured to be of rigid body type. The resulting function is optimal in the sense that the total bending energy of the fitted surface is minimum.

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