Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 111-118

3D Recognition by Parts: A Complete Solution using Parameterized Volumetric Models

Díbio Leandro Borges

Univ. Edinburgh e CEFET-PR

This paper presents a complete solution to the problem of recognizing 3D objects, using shape information extracted from range images, and parameterized volumetric models. The domain of the geometric shapes explored is that of complex curved objects with articulated parts, and a great deal of similarity between some of the parts. In model-based object recognition three main issues constrain the design of a complete solution; representation, feature extraction, and interpretation. We have developed an integrated approach that addresses these three issues in the context of the above mentioned domain of objects. The solution is presented here describing the main modules and how they relate to each other. Results are shown for a variety of real image data acquired in our lab.

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