Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 219-226

HPS-tree: Um Método de Acesso para Armazenar Mapas Longos com Multi-resolução Geométrica e Topológica

Maurício Riguette Mediano, Marcelo Gattass e Marco Antônio Casanova

TeCGraf - Grupo de Tecnologia em Computação Gráfica, Departamento de Informática, PUC-Rio e CCRIO - Centro Científico Rio - IBM Brasil

Access methods play a fundamental role on the performace of geographic databases that typically stores very large maps. This paper introduces a new data structure, called HPS-tree, designed to store geometrical and topological information of very large maps. The proposed structure is designed to efficiently handle the topology and the complete geometry description of the map, with geometrical and topological multiresolution.

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