Anais do IX SIBGRAPI'96 (1996), 205-210

Tetra-Cubes: An Algorithm to Generate 3D Isosurfaces based upon Tetrahedra

Bernardo Piquet Carneiro, Claúdio Silva e Arie Kaufman

IMPA-Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada; Dept. of Computer Science SUNY, at Stony Brook

We present the Tetra-Cubes iso-surface extraction technique. Tetra-Cubes is similar to the well-know marching-cubes technique, but its basic building block consists of tetrahedral cells instead of cubes. When the original are not tetrahedral cells, tetra-cubes just converts them to tetrahedra. We show that our technique is simpler than marching-cubes and does not have its nasty ambiguity configurations, leading to simpler iso-surfaces generation. We advocate the use of tetra-cubes for its simplicity of implementaion and generality.

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