
The Muan System was designed in conjunction with professional animators and educators who are used to an intense and daily use of animation.

Due to this partnership, we have a robust system, tested by many users in real situations and by animators in their daily work.

As successfully examples, we mention Anima Mundi Festival and Anima Escola Project.

Anima Mundi

Anima Mundi is the International Animation Festival of Brazil. Annually, since 1993, it presents competition screenings, special programs, retrospectives, international guests and professional workshops. One of the main features of the festival are the OPEN STUDIOS, were open and free workshops take place allowing the spectators to create and produce their own animation scenes in clay, drawing, sand, pixilation and cut-outs, with the advice of specialized professionals. The final results are seen immediately on video. The MUAN System has been successfully used and tested in those workshops in the last three years, significantly enhancing the results and efficacy of the works.


Anima Escola

Anima Escola is a project that has been created after the OPEN STUDIO workshops of Anima Mundi festival, to introduce the use of animation in the school environment. It has been successfully established as a continuous pedagogic program in the municipal schools of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, since 2002. In ANIMA ESCOLA, teachers and students become able to produce, through successive learning phases their own short animated videos. It was vital to the methodology of the project that the technology involved should become accessible, easy and fast to use. This need originated the conception of the software MUAN. As it was developed in the open Linux platform, based on the real use and improved with feed-back from instructors, animators and teachers, it has become a valuable and efficient tool for the use of animation language in the classroom.
