Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics

Luiz Velho , Jonas Gomes , Luiz Henrique Figueiredo

About the Book

Implicit description of geometric objects plays a critical role in computer graphics. The mathematical definition of shapes using an implicit form has also great importance for modeling, visualization and aNIMATion problems.

Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics employs a coherent conceptual framework to address the expanding role of implicitly defined objects, which increasingly draw attention for uses beyond a complementary representation. The book rigorously delves into the mathematical foundations of geometric models, implicit formulations for the specification of shapes, techniques for constructing implicit objects, and the modeling, rendering and animation of implicit surfaces. In addition, it demonstrates how implicit models offer a powerful alternative to traditional parametric models in computer graphics and computer-aided design.


This unique monograph examines the implicit description of geometric shapes in computer graphics and related areas, such as modeling, visualization, and animation.

Researches, practitioners, and professionals in computer graphics, scientific visualization, CAD/CAM and special effects will find the book an indispensable tool and resource.

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