A New Interface Paradigm for Motion Capture Based Animation Systems


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Table of Contents

A New Interface Paradigm for Motion Capture Based Animation Systems

General Outline

Computer Animation

Motion Capture

Motion Capture

Our Motivation

Characteristics of Our Animation System

System’s Basic Entities

System’s Basic Entities

System’s Architecture

System’s Architecture

System’s Architecture

A Graphic Interface for Motion Capture

Basic GUI Elements


Motions GUI Elements

Motion Bar

Motion / Joint


Motion Curves

Joint Curves

Motion Operations

Motion Filtering

Motion Concatenation

Motion Blending

Motion Warping

Other Objects - Camera

Other Objects - Playback

Other Objects - Additional Features

Implementation Issues


Future Work / Work in Progress

Additional Info

Author: Fernando Wagner S. V. Silva

Email: nando@visgraf.impa.br

Home Page: http://www.lcg.ufrj.br/~nando