Visorama: A Complete Virtual Panorama System

André Matos 1,3
Jonas Gomes 1
Luiz Velho 1
André Parente 2
Heloisa Siffert 2

1 IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada
2 UFRJ - Escola de Comunicação
3 PUC-RIO - Departamento de Informática

Visorama combines hardware and software components to provide a natural and immersive interaction with virtual panoramas. The system includes an authoring environment well suited for panorama-based virtual worlds.

  • Technical Sketch presented at SIGGRAPH '98. [pdf]

  • Permanent site of the Visorama project.

    This research has been developed jointly by the VISGRAF group at IMPA and the N-Imagem group at ECO/UFRJ.
    It is partially supported by CNPq, FAPERJ, FINEP and FUJB.