Publications on Research Journals
Total number: 90

[Schirmer et al., 2024]
Luiz Schirmer, Tiago Novello, Vinicius da Silva, Guilherme Schardong, Helio Lopes, and Luiz Velho. "Geometric implicit neural representations". Computers & Graphics, 2024.
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[Paz et al., 2023]
Hallison Paz, Daniel Perazzo, Tiago Novello, Guilherme Schardong, Luiz Schirmer, Vinicius da Silva, Daniel Yukimura, Fabio Chagas, Helio Lopes, and Luiz Velho. "MR-Net: Multiresolution Sinusoidal Neural Networks". Computers & Graphics, 2023.
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[Perazzo et al., 2023]
Daniel Perazzo, Joao Paulo Lima, Luiz Velho, and Veronica Teichrieb. "DirectVoxGO++: Grid-Based Fast Object Reconstruction using Radiance Fields". Computers & Graphics, 2023.
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[Novello et al., 2022]
Tiago Novello, Guilherme Schardong, Luiz Schirmer, Vinicius da Silva, Helio Lopes, and Luiz Velho. "Exploring Differential Geometry in Neural Implicits". Computers and Graphics, 2022.
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[Werner et al., 2022]
Heron Werner, Gerson Ribeiro, Vinicius Arcoverde, Jorge Lopes, and Luiz Velho. "The use of Metaverse in Fetal Medicine and Gynecology". European Journal of Radiology, 2022.
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[Giannella and Velho, 2021]
Julia Giannella and Luiz Velho. "Data Visualization in the Time of Coronavirus". SDRJ - Strategic Design Research Journal, 2, 2021. Special Issue on Design contributions for the COVID-19 global emergency.
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[Lennhoff et al., 2021]
Andrea Lennhoff, Luiza Novaes, and Luiz Velho. "Interdisciplinaridade, colaboracao e imersao: : o design de uma experiencia em realidade virtual com o objetivo de preservacao da memoria". Museologia e Interdisciplinaridade, 2021.
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[Novello et al., 2021]
Tiago Novello, Vinicius da Silva, Mikhail Belolipetsky, and Luiz Velho. "How to see the eight Thurston geometries". Ensaios Matemáticos, 2021.
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[Ptackova and Velho, 2021]
Lenka Ptackova and Luiz Velho. "A Simple and Complete Discrete Exterior Calculus on General Polygonal Meshes". Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2021.
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[Souza et al., 2021]
Caio Souza, Pedro Maia, Lucas Stolerman, Vitor Rolla, and Luiz Velho. "Predicting dengue outbreaks in Brazil with manifold learning on climate data". Expert Systems With Applications, 2021.
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[Novello et al., 2020a]
Tiago Novello, Vinicius da Silva, and Luiz Velho. "Global Illumination of Non-Euclidean Spaces". Computers and Graphics, SIBGRAPI Special Edition, 2020.
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[Novello et al., 2020b]
Tiago Novello, Vinicius Silva, and Luiz Velho. "􏰀 Visualization of Nil, Sol, and SL2(R) Geometries". Computers and Graphics, 2020.
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[Rolla et al., 2020]
Vitor Rolla, Pablo Riera, Pedro Souza, Luiz Velho, and Jorge Zubelli. "Self-similarity of Classical Music Networks". Fractals, 2020.
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[Velho et al., 2020]
Luiz Velho, Djalma Lucio, and Leo Carvalho. "Experiments in Situated Participatory Virtual Reality". Brazilian Journal of Development, 2020.
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[Schirmer et al., 2019]
Luiz Schirmer, Djalma Lucio, Alberto Raposo, Luiz Velho, and Helio Lopes. "TensorPose: Real-time pose estimation for interactive applications". Computers and Graphics, 2019.
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[Velho and Giannella, 2019]
Luiz Velho and Julia Giannella. "Visualizacao de Colecao de Imagens". Dialogo com a Economia Criativa, 2019.
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[Velho et al., 2019]
Luiz Velho, Julia Giannella, Djalma Lucio, and Vinicius Silva. "VR Tour: Guided Participatory Meta-Narrative for Virtual Reality Exploration". Revista GEMInIS, 2019.
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[Rolla et al., 2018]
Vitor Rolla, Juliano Kestenberg, and Luiz Velho. "The complexity of classical music networks". Europhysics Letters, 2018.
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[Sousa et al., 2018]
Eduardo Vera Sousa, Djalma Lucio, Leandro Fernandes, and Luiz Velho. "Hough Transform for Real-Time Plane Detection in Depth Images". Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018.
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[Souto et al., 2017]
Leonardo Souto, Leonardo Sacht, and Luiz Velho. "Local Moebius Transformations Applied to Omnidirectional Images". Computers and Graphics, 2017.
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[Brazil et al., 2015]
Emilio Vital Brazil, Ronan Amorim, Mario Costa Sousa, Luiz Velho, and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo. "Sketch-Based Modeling and Adaptive Meshes". Computers And Graphics, 2015.
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[Penaranda et al., 2015]
Luis Penaranda, Luiz Velho, and Leonardo Sacht. "Real-time Correction of Panoramic Images using Hyperbolic Moebius Transformations". Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2015.
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[Portes et al., 2015]
Elisa Portes, Emilio Vital Brazil, Jesus Mena-Chalco, Luiz Velho, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Faramarz Samavati, and Mario Costa Sousa. "Facing the High-dimensions: Inverse Projection with Radial Basis Functions". Computers and Graphics, 2015.
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[Berger et al., 2014]
Pierre Berger, Alex Laier, and Luiz Velho. "An image-space algorithm for immersive views in 3-manifolds and orbifolds". Visual Computer, 2014.
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[Maximo et al., 2014]
Andre Maximo, Luiz Velho, and Marcelo Siqueira. "Adaptive multi-chart and multiresolution mesh representation". Computers and Graphics, 38:332–340, February 2014.
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[Schulz et al., 2014]
Adriana Schulz, Wojciech Matusik, and Luiz Velho. "ChoreoGraphics: An Authoring Tool for Dance Shows". Journal of Graphics Tools, 2014.
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[Felinto et al., 2013]
Dalai Felinto, Aldo Zand, and Luiz Velho. "Production Framework for Full Panoramic Scenes with Photorealistic Augmented Reality". CLEI ELECTRONIC JOURNAL, 16(3):1–18, December 2013.
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[Gomes et al., 2013]
Rafael Gomes, Bruno Silva, Lourena Rocha, Rafael Aroca, Luiz Velho, and Luiz M. Goncalves. "Efficient 3D object recognition using foveated point clouds". Computers and Graphics, 2013.
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[Madeira and Velho, 2013]
Bruno Madeira and Luiz Velho. "Virtual Table-Teleporter: Image Processing and Rendering for Horizontal Stereoscopic Display". International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2013.
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[Estrada et al., 2012]
Jorge Estrada, Victoria Hernadez, Dimas Martinez, Luiz Velho, and Nayla Gil. "Conic-like subdivision curves on surfaces". The Visual Computer, 2012.
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[Lewiner et al., 2011]
Thomas Lewiner, Adelailson Peixoto, Luiz Velho, Dimas Martinez Morera, Vinicius Mello, and Thales Vieira. "Interactive 3D Caricature from Harmonic Exaggeration". Computers and Graphics, 2011.
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[Brazil et al., 2010]
Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macedo, Mario Costa Sousa, Luiz Velho, and Luiz Henrique Figueiredo. "Shape and Tone Depiction for Implicit Surfaces". Computer and Graphics, 2010.
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[de Goes et al., 2010]
Fernando de Goes, Siome Klein, Mathieu Desbrun, and Luiz Velho. "Exoskeleton: Curve Network Abstraction for 3D Shapes". Computers and Graphics, 2010.
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[Estrada-Sarlabous et al., 2010]
Jorge Estrada-Sarlabous, Victoria Hernandez, Dimas Morera, and Luiz Velho. "Subdivision de courbes sur les surfaces avec controle de la longueur dárc". Revue Electronique Francophone dÍnformatique Graphique, 2010.
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[Macedo et al., 2010]
Ives Macedo, Joao Paulo Gois, and Luiz Velho. "Hermite Radial Basis Functions Implicits". Computer Graphics Forum, 2010.
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[Medeiros et al., 2010]
Esdras Medeiros, Luiz Velho, Helio Lopes, and Thomas Lewiner. "On 2D Solid Alpha-Complexes of Poisson Disc Samplings". International Journal of Shape Modeling, 2010.
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[Mello and Velho, 2010]
Vinicius Mello and Luiz Velho. "Simplicial Diffeomorphisms". Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2010.
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[Pereira et al., 2010]
Thiago Pereira, Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macedo, Mario Costa Sousa, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Luiz Velho. "RGBN sketch-based image warping". Graphical Models, 2010.
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[Medeiros et al., 2009]
Esdras Medeiros, Helio Lopes, Thomas Lewiner, Geovan Tavares, and Luiz Velho. "Topological Mesh Operators". Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2009.
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[Mena-Chalco et al., 2009]
Jesus Mena-Chalco, Ives Macedo, Luiz Velho, and Roberto Cesar. "3D Face Computational Photography Using PCA Spaces". The Visual Computer, 2009.
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[Siqueira et al., 2009]
Marcelo Siqueira, Dianna Xu, Jean Gallier, Luis Gustavo Nonato, Dimas Martınez Morera, and Luiz Velho. "A New Construction of Smooth Surfaces from Triangle Meshes Using Parametric Pseudo-Manifolds". Computers and Graphics, 2009.
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[Teixeira et al., 2009]
Ralph Teixeira, Moacyr Silva, and Luis Velho. "Affine Skeletons and Monge-Ampère Equations". submitted to SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2009.
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[Vieira et al., 2009]
Thales Vieira, Alex Bordignon, Adelailson Peixoto, Geovan Tavares, Helio Lopes, Luiz Velho, and Thomas Lewiner. "Learning good views through intelligent galleries". Computer Graphics Forum, 2009.
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[de Goes et al., 2008a]
Fernado de Goes, Siome Goldenstein, and Luiz Velho. "A SImple and Flexible Framework to Adapt Dynamic Meshes". Computer and Graphics, 2008.
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[de Goes et al., 2008b]
Fernando de Goes, Siome Goldenstein, , and Luiz Velho. "A Hierarchical Segmentation of Articulated Bodies". Computer Graphics Forum, 2008.
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[Morera et al., 2008]
Dimas Martinez Morera, Paulo Cezar Carvalho, and Luiz Velho. "Modeling on Triangulations with Geodesic Curves". The Visual Computer, 2008.
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[Parente and Velho, 2008]
Andre Parente and Luiz Velho. "A Cybernetic Observatory Based on Panoramic Vision". Technoetic Arts, 6(1), march 2008.
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[Romeiro et al., 2008]
Fabiano Romeiro, Luiz Velho, and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo. "Scalable GPU rendering of CSG models". Computer and Graphics, 2008.
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[Mederos et al., 2007]
Boris Mederos, Marcos Lage, Sueni Arouca, Fabiano Petronetto, Luiz Velho, Thomas Lewiner, and Helio Lopes. "Regularized Implicit Surface Reconstruction from Points and Normals". Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 2007.
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[Montenegro et al., 2007]
Anselmo Montenegro, Paulo Carvalho, Jonas Sossai, and Luiz Velho. "Reconstruction of 3D object meshes from silhouette images". Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2007.
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[Velho and Sossai, 2007]
Luiz Velho and Jonas Sossai. "Projective Texture Atlas Construction for 3D Photography". The Visual Computer, 23, 2007.
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[Lewiner et al., 2006a]
Thomas Lewiner, Marcos Craizer, Helio Lopes, Sinesio Pesco, Luiz Velho, and Esdras Medeiros. "GEncode: Geometry-driven compression for general meshes". Computer Graphics Forum, pages –, 2006.
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[Lewiner et al., 2006b]
Thomas Lewiner, Helio Lopes, Luiz Velho, and Vinicius Mello. "Extraction and Compression of Hierarchical Isocontours from Image Data". Journal on Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2006.
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[Goldenstein et al., 2005]
Siome Goldenstein, Christian Vogler, and Luiz Velho. "Adaptive Deformable Models for Graphics and Vision". Computer Graphics Forum, 2005.
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[Luz et al., 2005]
Jose Luiz Luz, Luiz Velho, and Paulo Cezar Carvalho. "Silhouette Enhanced Point-Based Rendering". Journal of WSCG, 2005.
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[Marroquim et al., 2005]
Ricardo Marroquim, Paulo Roma Cavalcanti, Claudio Esperanca, and Luiz Velho. "Adaptive multi-resolution triangulations based on physical compression". Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 21(6):269–335, 2005.
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[Morera et al., 2005]
Dimas Martinez Morera, Luiz Velho, and Paulo Cezar Carvalho. "Computing Geodesics on Triangular Meshes". Computers & Graphics Journal, 29(5), 2005.
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[Carneiro and Velho, 2004]
Marcelo Medeiros Carneiro and Luiz Velho. "Assistive Interfaces for the Visually Impaired Using Force Feedback Devices and Distance Transforms". Information Technology and Disabilities E-Journal, 2004.

[Hu et al., 2004]
Yaohua Hu, Luiz Velho, Xin Tong, Baining Guo, and Harry Shum. "Realistic, Real-Time Rendering of Ocean Waves". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2004. Special Issue on Game Technologies.
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[Mederos et al., 2004]
Boris Mederos, Luiz Velho, and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo. "Smooth Surface Reconstruction from Noisy Clouds". Journal of the Brazilian Computing Society, 2004.
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[Nogueira et al., 2004]
Aldo Nogueira, Elaine Prata, and Luiz Velho. "Visualizacao de Objetos Tridimensionais Baseada em Interpolacao Projetiva". Revista Eletronica de Iniciacao Cientifica, 2004.
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[Velho, 2004]
Luiz Velho. "A Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Library Based on Stellar Operators". Journal of Graphics Tools, 9(2):1–29, 2004.
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[Vieira et al., 2004]
Ant^onio Wilson Vieira, Thomas Lewiner, Luiz Velho, Hélio Lopes, and Geovan Tavares. "Stellar Mesh Simplification Using Probabilistic Optimization". Computer Graphics Forum, 2004.
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[Figueiredo et al., 2003]
Luiz Henrique Figueiredo, Jorge Solfi, and Luiz Velho. "Approximating Parametric Curves with Strip Trees using Affine Arithmetic". Computer Graphics Forum,, 22(2):171–180, June 2003.
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[Zhang et al., 2003]
Jingdan Zhang, Kun Zhou, Luiz Velho, Baining Guo, and Heung-Yeung. "Synthesis of Progressively Variant Textures on Arbitrary Surfaces". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 22(3):295–302, July 2003.
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[e Sa et al., 2002]
Asla Medeiros e Sa, Esdras Soares de Medeiros Filho, Paulo Cezar Carvalho, and Luiz Velho. "Coded Structured Light for 3D-Photography: an Overview". RITA - Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada, 2002.
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[Gomes and Velho, 2002]
Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho. "Color Representation: Theory and Techniques". Cubo Matematica Educacional, 4(2), June 2002.
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[Lucena et al., 2002]
Paula Salgado Lucena, Marcelo Gattass, and Luiz Velho. "Expressive Talking Heads: A Study on Speech and Facial Expression in Virtual Characters". Revista SCIENTIA, 2002.
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[Pinheiro and Velho, 2002]
Sergio Pinheiro and Luiz Velho. "A virtual memory system for real-time visualization of multi-resolution 2D objects". Journal of WSCG, 2002.
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[Velho and Perlin, 2002]
Luiz Velho and Ken Perlin. "B-Spline Wavelet Paint". Revista de Informatica Teorica e Aplicada, 2002.
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[Velho et al., 2002]
Luiz Velho, Ken Perlin, Henning Biermann, and Lexing Ying. "Algorithmic Shape Modeling with Subdivision Surfaces". Computer and Graphics, 26(6), 2002.
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[Velho, 2001a]
Luiz Velho. "Quasi 4-8 Subdivision". Computer-Aided Geometric Design, 2001.
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[Velho, 2001b]
Luiz Velho. "Using Semi-Regular 4–8 Meshes for Subdivision Surfaces". Journal of Graphics Tools, 5(3):35–47, 2001.
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[Velho and Zorin, 2001]
Luiz Velho and Denis Zorin. "4-8 Subdivision". Computer-Aided Geometric Design, 18(5):397–427, 2001. Special Issue on Subdivision Techniques.
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[Zonenschein et al., 2001]
Ruben Zonenschein, Jonas Gomes, Luiz Velho, and Noemi Rodriguez. "Towards Interactivity on Texturing Implicit Surfaces: A Distributed Approach". Journal of WSCG, pages 360–366, February 2001.
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[Camara et al., 2000]
Gilberto Camara, Antonio Monteiro, Joao Paiva, Jonas Gomes, and Luiz Velho. "Towards a Unified Framework for Spatial Data Models". Journal of the Brazilian Computing Societ, 7(1):17–25, 2000.
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[Rivera et al., 2000]
Luis Rivera, Paulo Cezar Carvalho, and Luiz Velho. "Free Deformation of Multiresolution B-Spline Curves". PESQUIMAT, Revista de la Fac CC. MM. de la Universidade Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 3(1):65–79, July 2000. Peru.

[Velho and Gomes, 2000]
Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes. "Variable Resolution 4-k Meshes: Concepts and Applications". Computer Graphics Forum, 19(4):195–214, 2000.
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[Velho et al., 1999a]
Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Jonas Gomes. "Hierarchical generalized triangle strips". The Visual Computer, 15(1):21–35, 1999.
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[Velho et al., 1999b]
Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Jonas Gomes. "A Unified Approach for Hierarchical Adaptive Tesselation of Surfaces". ACM Transactions on Graphics, 18(4):329–360, 1999.
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[Velho et al., 1997a]
Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, and Jonas Gomes. "A methodology for piecewise linear approximation of surfaces". Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 3(3):30–42, April 1997.
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[Velho et al., 1997b]
Luiz Velho, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Jonas Gomes. "Implicit Manifolds, Triangulations and Dynamics". Journal of Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations. Special Issue in Computer Aided Geometric Design, (number 1 and 2):pages 103–120, 1997. Dynamic Publishers, Atlanta.
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[Gomes et al., 1996]
Jonas Gomes, Bruno Costa, Lucia Darsa, and Luiz Velho. "Graphical Objects". The Visual Computer, 12(6):269–282, 1996.
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[Velho, 1996]
Luiz Velho. "Simple and Efficient Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces". Journal of Graphics Tools, 1(2):5–25, 1996.
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[Velho and Gomes, 1996]
Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes. "Approximate Conversion of Parametric to Implicit Surfaces". Computer Graphics Forum, 15(5):327–338, 1996. Elsevier Science Publishers.
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[Gomes and Velho, 1995]
Jonas Gomes and Luiz Velho. "Abstraction Paradigms for Computer Graphics". The Visual Computer, 11(5):227–239, 1995.
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[Perlin and Velho, 1995]
Ken Perlin and Luiz Velho. "Live Paint: Painting with Procedural Multiscale Textures". Computer Graphics–Annual Conference Series, pages 153–160, 1995.
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[Velho and Gomes, 1995]
Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes. "Stochastic Screening Dithering with Adaptive Clustering". Computer Graphics–Annual Conference Series, pages 273–276, 1995.
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[Velho et al., 1995]
Luiz Velho, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Jonas Gomes. "Constructing Implicit Shape Models from Boundary Data". Graphical Models and Image Processing, 57(3):220–234, 1995.
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[Velho and Gomes, 1991]
Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes. "Digital Halftoning with Space Filling Curves". Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH'91), 25(4):81–90, 1991.
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