Hall of Visitors : 2005


Professor of Computer Science.
Affiliate Professor of Optometry and Vision Science.


Enylton is a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science. His current research is on how to facilitate AR applications that interact with multiple, different tracking sources. His research agenda is to formulate algorithms that provide tracker abstraction and real-time data fusion, to create data structures to handle the scene description, and to generate better representations for graphical augmentations. His interests include Augmented Environments, Virtual Environments, Computer Graphics and 3D Interfaces. He is also interested in how research evolves into innovation and how innovation becomes an end product.


Michael Goesele is a PostDoc student at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (MPII). His Ph.D. thesis (2004) is entitled "New Acquisition Techniques for Real Objects and Light Sources in Computer Graphics". It summarizes his work on several topics related to acquisition including light sources and translucent objects.


Soraia Raupp Musse is an Adjunt Professor and researcher at PIPCA, UNISINOS (a private university in Brazil), and she coordinates CROMOS Lab. Your current research is in the area of Crowd Simulation, Virtual Human Agents and Behavioural Modeling.


    Steven M. Drucker


    Afiliation : Microsoft Research - Next Media Research Address: One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052-6399 - USA Phone: Fax: E-mail: Research area : Multi-user environments, online social interaction,
    hypermedia, human and robot perceptual capabilities,
    robot learning, parallel computer graphics,
    human interfaces for camera control. Period of visit : May 13, 2005

Dr. Steven M. Drucker has been the lead researcher for the Next Media Research Group in Microsoft Research for the last 4 years where he has been looking at how the addition of user interaction transforms conventional media. He is particularly interested in database visualization for consumers or where art meets technology for user interfaces. While in the group, he has filed 18 patents on technologies as diverse as remotely operated personal video recorders, spectator oriented gaming, and new visualization techniques for media databases and published papers on information visualization and management.


Assistant professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah. He works in the Scientific Imaging and Computing Institute, and runs the Image Processing Laboratory. He conducts research in image processing, computer vision, and visualization.

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