
Image Based Artistic Dithering

By Aristófanes Correa Silva, Paula Salgado Lucena and Wilfredo Figuerola
Presentation: December 12th, 2000
References: Paper by Verevka and Buchanan and its website

Multicolor Dithering and Artistic Dithering

By Cristina Nader Vasconcelos
Presentation: April 5th, 2001
References: "Multicolor and Artistic Dithering" and "Artistic Screening" by Ostromoukhov and Hersch


Chaos Mosaic

By Antonio de Azambuja, Gustavo Pierre and Maurício Hofmam da Silva
Presentation: December 12th, 2000
Reference: Technical Report by Xu, Guo and Shum

Texture Saliency

By Guilherme Lúcio Abelha Mota
Presentation: April 5th, 2001
Reference: T. F. Syeda-Mahmood, "Detecting Perceptually Salient Textures Regions in Images", CVIU 76, October 1999

Artistic Rendering

Painterly Rendering

By Danilo Tuler, Diego Nehab and Diogo Vieira Andrade
Presentation: December 12th, 2000
References: "Automatic Painterly Rendering" and "Image Moment-Based Stroke Painting" by Shiraishi and Yamaguchi; also Aaron Hertzmann MRL page

Facial Engraving

By Aruquia Barbosa, Boris Madrazo and Pablo Baier
Presentation: December 13th, 2000
References: Paper by Ostromoukhov

Image Processing for Vision

Edge Detection: Snakes

By Bruno Eduardo Madeira
Presentation: April 5th, 2001
References: "On Active Contours Models and Ballons", by Laurent D. Cohen and "Tracking Deformable Objects in the Plane Using an Active Contour Model", by Fréderic Leymarin and Martin D. Levine   

Applications of Fourier Transforms to Image Processing (Image Deblurring and Deconvolution)

By Bruno Borics, Marcelo Cunha and Alberto Sant'anna Stender
Presentation: April 5th, 2001

Last updated: May 22nd, 2001 by Ralph Teixeira